Thursday 5 April 2012

Button Obsession

A few weeks ago, after a big clear out, my gran gave me some very pretty vintage printed fabric.  That same week I happened to come across some more small pieces of vintage fabric in my favourite charity shop.  The pieces were too small to make anything to wear from them and I was at a loss as to what to do with them.

And then a lightening bolt of inspiration hit me! Id just lost the buttons from a navy blue linen jacket I bought in the Great Plains sale a few years ago, it has a very 1940s sailor feel and is perfect for nautical spring outfits, but not so perfect with no buttons!

The inspiration came from these 3 jars which are opposite the till in my shop

And so my obsession with self cover buttons began

The buttons which are on cards are for sale now in the shop priced at £2 for 4 19mm buttons and £1.20 for 2 29mm buttons, the others will be listed on etsy as soon as i put down the button making supplies and get to work photographing them.

I must also say a big thank you to Paula from who I sent a sample of the buttons to last week. she very kindly featured them on her beautiful blog.

Friday 30 March 2012


Let me introduce myself...
My name is Claire, I'm 24 and the shop I'm sitting is all mine! I opened my haberdashery with a difference at the beginning of December last year and i am incredibly proud of it.

the focus of the shop is upcycling and reinventing what you already have in your wardrobe. 1 wall of the shop is a giant blackboard which i use to display upcycling ideas and it has a different theme every month.

once the display is taken down the example are displayed in other parts of the shop to inspire everyone, and because some of them are very pretty to look at. Prime example must be the now infamous feather trim bag. This little green bag started its life on the sale rail in Primark before being rescued by me and sitting in my wardrobe with the tags on for quite some time. it was transformed with 25cm of feather trim glued in place with my mams trusty glue gun.

My favourite part of the shop has to be the vintage section, this started as one tiny little display and grows by the week. Ive started taking these lovely vintage treasures to fairs in the region and the next one you can find me at will be Chic Vintique in stockton on 21st April.

Of course this blog will showcase lots of what happens in my little shop but it will also be a place for me to show you what i get up to day to day (apart from the shop that's mainly eating, drinking real ale and charity shop shopping).

Friday 13 January 2012

Welcome to my new little blog!
I am the owner of a haberdashery whos main aim is to get people excited over customisation and upcycling. My blog will follow the trials and tribulations of starting a new business as well as my obsessions with fashion, craft, all things vintage and charity shops.